Thursday, May 19, 2011

Its Holiday Time Again!!!

I have been thinking of this holiday for 2 months now planning everything behind hubby's back (this is supposed to be a surprise for him) I have told him to take off 2 days from his work schedule. I had to tell him that much atleast as you cannot try and ask a business man to take off just like that without prior notice....I will be more surprised when he says he cant make it :-)
So, finally after a lot of dilly-dallying I decided to arrange this outing for our anniversary but then again advanced it to a week early and thought it will be a good birthday gift for dear hubby and a much needed and awaited break from the concrete jungle..
So, i am off tomorrow to this jungle and also trying to cover a beach when we are there. My hubby did not ask me where we r going or what we r doing? so going really good till now!!
Anyways I am going to have a great holiday by letting my hair loose and the best part is no cooking this weekend ;-)!!! c ya all

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