Friday, July 22, 2011

The End of The Magical Saaga!!!

I dont think J K Rowling had even imagined in her wildest dreams that she would be creating a master piece when she started off on Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived!

Whichever ways she created a Wonderful, magical, mystical world of Hogwarts and everything else seized to exist..
This world that contained magical creatures, the finest wizards and witches who zoomed off on their firebolts, gaints and trolls, muggles and death eaters, chocolate frogs and vomit-flavoured candies, gaint spiders, basilisks, hippogriffs and thestrals. The best of it all was the game of QUIDDITCH!!!!

This story was about Harry Potter, his friends and his enemies. The boy who lived, marked by the darkest wizards of all time - Tom Marvorlo Riddle - Lord Voldemort!!! Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts who had a special bond with the boy. Sirius Black who went to Azkaban for a crime he did not commit. Peter pettigrew, the rat that was!
Ron & Hermione - his best friends
James and Lily Potter - the parents who gave up their life protecting him so that he could live to kill he-who-must not be - named!
Hagrid, the gaint who was there every time for this boy.

The Order of the phoenix who united to fight against the dark Lord. His very dramatic return

I have laughed with the lot of them and cried every single time one of his friends died.

Right now, I am wallowing in an all time low because it is over......

1 comment:

  1. I miss too.. i never watched Harry Potter when I was kid.. I repent on that.. what i missed in my child hood..
    I spent 2 weekends to watch all the series... and i fell in love with Mr. Potter...
    Now, sad part is no more Harry Potter... :( :(
