Friday, March 25, 2011

Age - just a number??

My birthday is just round the corner which has kind of put me in that mode...where i am thinking am i getting old?? or is age just a number???
I have lived so many years of my life!! crossed most of the milestones :-)
1. hopefully i have been a good daughter, sister and friend
2. got married to the one I love
3. had a cute little baby girl
4. in the meanwhile have built up quite a career for myself ;-)
but the question here is have i done justice to my 31 years! have i really lived more than half my life???
I have always been someone who has thought that age is just a number.....but may be completing 31 and stepping into the 32nd is really taking a toll on me.
i sometimes feel i want go back and start afresh do things that i couldnt do earlier but there are also days when i truly feel that i have seen nothing yet!!! ;-)
did you get the drift???right now i am a very confused to-be 32year old!!!!
Should I wish myself a Very Happy Birthday or feel sad that I have finished 1 more year of my life!

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