Well! I have been contemplating penning down this little piece here for about a month now!! While all the right words were there in my head, I was not able to string them into lines - something like a writer's block should I think??? :-)
Often in life, you think and dream of something... Not sure at all that it will be fulfilled or if there is something else that is totally the opposite in store for you...just waiting for the right time to reveal to you....
It is the same with people...in life, you meet so many interesting characters not knowing if they will be good or bad, whether they will bring out the best or worst in you, whether they will compliment your personality or just the opposite... Whether they will be a positive influence or not... The yin to your yang. Whether they will be a medley of interesting colors on your plain white palette or the sinister black that will eat away all other colors.
With some people, they come with much hoopla and fanfare, just to fizzle out the same way without leaving any mark to show they were there... But with others, they silently creep in to your life and when they go away whether permanently or just for a little while, they leave such an eternal etching it is very difficult to erase all those memories!!
To that handful of people, who have made that difference in my life- this goes out to you!!!!