Ice-creams in different flavors (usually late in the night :-)
Not necessarily in the same order, but yes they are some of my favorite things!
Last week when I went to the Soul Santhe, we noticed this exhibition happening at Chitrakala Parishat...my friend and I thought if we finish early at the Soul Santhe we would give a flying visit to this exhibition too...We finished at Palace Grounds by 4pm and from here we went to CP.
We entered, Lo and behold- it was an entirely different world. I bought so much stuff here (much more than what I bought from the Soul Santhe), I have been wanting to show it all off!! i have been wanting to do a photo blog of it. I will do it first thing tomorrow morning! So, after all the euphoria of the World Cup where WE WON!!!! yooooohooooo!!!!!!!!yippeeeeeee!!!!! i am just counting the days till this chapter of my life will be over and new chapter with fresh pages will begin!!! Though i dont have any breather between the 2 chapters...hope it will be much more interesting and enlightening than this one was.....